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宋献方,国际水文科学协会中国委员会同位素分委员会(CCT-CNC-IAHS)副主席,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,研究员,博士生导师,兼任中国科学院大学教授、自然地理学教研室副主任、中国科学院无人机应用与管控中心副主任等。1984年毕业于河北地质大学水文地质与工程地质系,获工学学士,1989年7月在长春地质学院水文地质与工程地质系获工学硕士,1996年3月在日本国筑波大学地球科学研究院地理学与水文学专业获理学博士。国际水文科学协会中国委员会同位素水文学分委员会副主席,中国地理学会水文专业委员会指导委员,中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会常任委员,中国地质学会水文地质专业委员会副主任和中国地质学会矿山水委员会委员。《地理研究》副主编、《Water》、《全球变化数据学报》、《水文地质工程地质》、《干旱区地理》、《南水北调与水利科技》和《Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering》编委等职。

01 主要工作经历和国外进修情况:

1984年8月----1989年11月 煤炭部焦作矿业学院地质系 助教

1989年12月----1992年1月 煤炭部焦作矿业学院地质系 讲师

1992年1月----1996年3月 日本国筑波大学地球科学研究院 文部省 国费留学生

1996年4月----1996年9月 日本国筑波大学地球科学系 研究员

1996年10月----1999年10月 日本国科学技术厅 防灾科学技术研究所 先端技术研究部 科学技术特别研究员

1999年11月----2002年4月 日本国农林水产省 农业环境技术研究所 地球环境研究部 计算科学技术研究员

2002年4月----至今 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 研究员





02 主要学术成就


1)研制了多功能、自动化程度高、高精度的新一代水循环室内实验系统,建立了中国环境同位素网络(China-Isotope: China Isotope Research Network in Waters)、水循环观测实验平台和研发了一批观测仪器。














03 主要学术论著





(3)顾慰祖等:环境同位素水文学 科学出版社,2010。




  1. Bu, H., Song, X., Zhang, Q., Burford, M.A., 2016a. Strontium concentrations and isotope ratios in a forest-river system in the South Qinling Mts., China. Water Research 93, 91-97.

  2. Bu, H.M., Song, X.F., Guo, F., 2017a. Dissolved trace elements in a nitrogen-polluted river near to the Liaodong Bay in Northeast China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114, 547-554.

  3. Bu, H.M., Song, X.F., Zhang, Y., 2019. Using multivariate statistical analyses to identify and evaluate the main sources of contamination in a polluted river near to the Liaodong Bay in Northeast China. Environmental Pollution 245, 1058-1070.

  4. Bu, H.M., Song, X.F., Zhang, Y., Meng, W., 2017b. Sources and fate of nitrate in the Haicheng River basin in Northeast China using stable isotopes of nitrate. Ecological Engineering 98, 105-113.

  5. Bu, H.M., Zhang, Y., Meng, W., Song, X.F., 2016b. Effects of land-use patterns on in-stream nitrogen in a highly-polluted river basin in Northeast China. Science of the Total Environment 553, 232-242.

  6. Han, D.M., Cao, G.L., 2018. Phase difference between groundwater storage changes and groundwater level fluctuations due to compaction of an aquifer-aquitard system. Journal of Hydrology 566, 89-98.

  7. Han, D.M., Cao, G.L., McCallum, J., Song, X.F., 2015a. Residence times of groundwater and nitrate transport in coastal aquifer systems: Daweijia area, northeastern China. Science of the Total Environment 538, 539-554.

  8. Han, D.M., Currell, M.J., 2017. Persistent organic pollutants in China's surface water systems. Science of the Total Environment 580, 602-625.

  9. Han, D.M., Currell, M.J., 2018. Delineating multiple salinization processes in a coastal plain aquifer, northern China: hydrochemical and isotopic evidence. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22, 3473-3491.

  10. Han, D.M., Currell, M.J., Cao, G.L., 2016a. Deep challenges for China's war on water pollution. Environmental Pollution 218, 1222-1233.

  11. .Han, D.M., Currell, M.J., Cao, G.L., Hall, B., 2017. Alterations to groundwater recharge due to anthropogenic landscape change. Journal of Hydrology 554, 545-557.

  12. Han, D.M., Post, V.E.A., Song, X.F., 2015b. Groundwater salinization processes and reversibility of seawater intrusion in coastal carbonate aquifers. Journal of Hydrology 531, 1067-1080.

  13. Han, D.M., Song, X.F., Currell, M.J., 2016b. Identification of anthropogenic and natural inputs of sulfate into a karstic coastal groundwater system in northeast China: evidence from major ions, delta C-13(DIC) and delta S-34(SO4). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20, 1983-1999.

  14. Han, D.M., Zhou, T.T., 2018. Soil water movement in the unsaturated zone of an inland arid region: Mulched drip irrigation experiment. Journal of Hydrology 559, 13-29.

  15. Liu, F., Song, X.F., Yang, L.H., Han, D.M., Zhang, Y.H., Ma, Y., Bu, H.M., 2015. The role of anthropogenic and natural factors in shaping the geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Subei Lake basin, Ordos energy base, Northwestern China. Science of the Total Environment 538, 327-340.

  16. Ma, Y., Song, X.F., 2019. Applying stable isotopes to determine seasonal variability in evapotranspiration partitioning of winter wheat for optimizing agricultural management practices. Science of the Total Environment 654, 633-642.

  17. Qin, W.J., Han, D.M., Song, X.F., Engesgaard, P., 2019. Effects of an abandoned Pb-Zn mine on a karstic groundwater reservoir. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 200, 221-233.

  18. Sakakibara, K., Tsujimura, M., Song, X.F., Zhang, J., 2017. Spatiotemporal variation of the surface water effect on the groundwater recharge in a low-precipitation region: Application of the multi-tracer approach to the Taihang Mountains, North China. Journal of Hydrology 545, 132-144.

  19. Tang, Y., Song, X.F., Zhang, Y.H., Han, D.M., Ai, L.K., Zhao, T.B., Wang, Y.J., 2017. Using stable isotopes to understand seasonal and interannual dynamics in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation in precipitation. Hydrological Processes 31, 4682-4692.

  20. Wang, W.J., Song, X.F., Ma, Y., 2017. Characterization of controlling hydrogeochemical processes using factor analysis in Puyang Yellow River irrigation district (China). Hydrology Research 48, 1438-1454.

  21. Wang, Y.J., Song, X.F., Li, B.H., Ma, Y., Zhang, Y.H., Yang, L.H., Bu, H.M., Holm, P.E., 2018. Temporal variation in groundwater hydrochemistry driven by natural and anthropogenic processes at a reclaimed water irrigation region. Hydrology Research 49, 1652-1668.

  22. Wu, Y.L., Song, X.F., Ma, Y., Bu, H.M., Yang, S.T., Han, D.M., Zhang, Y.H., 2017. Multi-temporal variation in water consumption of summer maize as determined by the Water Transformation Dynamical Processes Experimental Device. Hydrology Research 48, 1268-1281.

  23. Yu, Y.L., Song, X.F., Zhang, Y.H., Zheng, F.D., Liu, L.C., 2017. Impact of reclaimed water in the watercourse of Huai River on groundwater from Chaobai River basin, Northern China. Frontiers of Earth Science 11, 643-659.

  24. Mohammad Hasanuzzaman, Xianfang Song, Dongmei Han, Yinghua Zhang and Shakir Hussain, 2017. Prediction of Groundwater Dynamics for Sustainable Water Resource Management in Bogra District, Northwest Bangladesh, Water, 9(4), 238.

  25. Shakir Hussain, Song Xianfang, Iqtidar Hussain, Liu Jianrong, Han Dong Mei, Yang Li Hu, and Wei Huang, 2015. Controlling Factors of the Stable Isotope Composition in the Precipitation of Islamabad, Pakistan Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2015.




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排版 :范雨新

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